Wednesday 13 February 2013

1st day of CNY



CNY 2013

恭喜发财, 年年有馀 :)
May this year of snake brings you more happiness & good fortune :) 

singa tuu tunduk tanda hormat :) bye! .^_^.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

wide awake.

hello strangers! its been a while since i posted my last post. 
i'm quite busy with my study and all of the college's thingy. 
almaklum laa masuk semester baru :3 i'm now in year 2 semester 1.
still have 3 semester to go. hope that i can maintained my CGPA or make it 4.00. 
# 4.00 tu dalam mimpi laa kali..
but nothing is impossible, aite? :)

#nothing to be proud of with this kind of results. but still, thanks God for this :) 

hoo yeah, hoo yeah. guess what? elaun sudah naik. even bukan jumlah yg dijanjikan,
tapi syukur lah elaun tetap naik from RM621.21 to RM815.00.
ada duit poket lebih untuk beli reload :P 

  • Yuran kelas - RM20/per month
  • Jersey - RM35
  • Yuran Sukaneka MLT - RM4
  • Hutang - RM150
  • Nota - RM15

a lot of things to bayar. belum satu minggu lepas payday sudah kering. 
what the -.-'
okehh, forget about it. i dont care about that. 
cant wait for 8th of february. i'm coming home, i'm coming home.
i'll be home for chinese new year. yayy! thanks aunty for the plane's ticket.
she bought me a plane ticket instead of galaxy note II. :P 
i've asked her to get me a new smartphone & new shoes before,
but she ended up buying me a plane's ticket to go back home and it cost almost RM600. 
#RM569.00 okehh. return flight KCH-BKI. 
THANKS! :) i love you aunty nani! hihi :3 

ho yeah ho yeah. i'll be home on mid sem break also. 
hahaha. two weeks after CNY holiday. 
thanks uncle for the plane's ticket. :D

saya sangat disayangi oleh uncleuncle && auntyaunty sy kan? :3 
sila jeles :D

nahh. till then. night night strangers ^____________^.


Monday 17 December 2012

Saturday 27 October 2012

Monday 22 October 2012

go back to the right tract.

tajuk di atas tiada kena mengena dengan post hari ni. sekian dan terima kasih. 

okay. em. err. hai. hello ladies and gentlemen. :)
hari ni hari sabtu kan? cuti kan? boleh bangun lambat kan?
but it just a dream la mau cuti sama mau bangun lambat. ADA kelas ganti laa!!! huhu =.="
tapi okay laa. boleh laaa. happy juga sy pg kelas tadi..
buat ujian Emergency O tadi. i just knew that people with blood group O is not necessarily a universal donor. some of the group O people cant donate their blood to others with different blood group. em, begitu la tu. bukan semua org berdarah O boleh donate blood dia sama siapasiapa, walaupun kita selalu dengar or memang cikgu2 kita yg duludulu pernah cakap yg org berdarah O tu universal donor. actually, its not. okay. kayyy enough.

in the afternoon, kami kasi bersih bench kami. semua peralatan sudah dikembalikan. and what should i say, kelas imunohematologi last hari ni! and exam is coming :D God bless ~

k bai.

20 oct 2012