Wednesday 29 August 2012


hello. hello. hello. selama dua minggu sy di ranau, dua minggu juga sy sakit. oh FLU, go away, please :/ last sem punya break, 1 bulan sy di ranau, 1 bulan juga sy sakit. Ranau oh ranau kenapa la cuaca kau begini. kejap panas, kejap hujan, kejap salji , opps. hehehee xD. okay. not much to say. sajaaaa mau kasi banyak post di blog. hehehe. okk. till then. 

love ya <3

Good Night

I have 5 fingers for a reason. My pinky is for my best friends and our promises that will never be broken, my ring finger is for him and for proof that we’ll be together forever, my middle finger is for that girl that pushes me too far and to show her how I feel, my pointer finger is to silence them, to savor the moment, my thumb is for everyone, to let them know that I’m gonna be okay, no matter what. :)

Monday 27 August 2012

Canon EOS 1100D

hey hi :D you know what, we took a lot of pictures at the airport last week, most of the pictures were really smart and nice. love it~ :3 everybody were sleeping at that time, but me and my friends (just 3 of us) end up taking pictures for the whole night, until the sun rises. yeah, until morning. HEHE :D


Daniel. Me. Rayner.

Rayner & me.

act cute :D

rayner : kita buat macam askar bah. 

pondan ?

peace no war :D

akhirnya, muncul juga si ericc. 

converse VS sandal :)


tip of borneo

went to Tg. Simpang Mengayau at kudat last week. it was a very nice place to visit. :) the weather on that day was good, no hot sun and no SUNBURN :D HAHA. you know what, we bought 6 ice creams and it cost almost 30 ringgit. =.=" haizz. nasib lah kena belanja.
thank to the photographer : Hariz Iswan :)

way to the big 'globe'

she (the girl behind me) was afraid of the dog in front. 

the kelapa was so sedap :) hao liangg..

its a must to take a pic with this big fat half 'globe'.