Monday 17 December 2012

Saturday 27 October 2012

Monday 22 October 2012

go back to the right tract.

tajuk di atas tiada kena mengena dengan post hari ni. sekian dan terima kasih. 

okay. em. err. hai. hello ladies and gentlemen. :)
hari ni hari sabtu kan? cuti kan? boleh bangun lambat kan?
but it just a dream la mau cuti sama mau bangun lambat. ADA kelas ganti laa!!! huhu =.="
tapi okay laa. boleh laaa. happy juga sy pg kelas tadi..
buat ujian Emergency O tadi. i just knew that people with blood group O is not necessarily a universal donor. some of the group O people cant donate their blood to others with different blood group. em, begitu la tu. bukan semua org berdarah O boleh donate blood dia sama siapasiapa, walaupun kita selalu dengar or memang cikgu2 kita yg duludulu pernah cakap yg org berdarah O tu universal donor. actually, its not. okay. kayyy enough.

in the afternoon, kami kasi bersih bench kami. semua peralatan sudah dikembalikan. and what should i say, kelas imunohematologi last hari ni! and exam is coming :D God bless ~

k bai.

20 oct 2012

Tuesday 16 October 2012

flightless bird.

a day without lecture, tutorials and amali. 
what a boring day, nothing to do in the class. at first i was doing my revision alone, self-study la kununkunun. then some of the friends were doing study group at the back. satu org purapura jadi cikgu, yg lain duduk 1 baris dengar dia explain. i felt so funny looking at them. x lama sy pun join durangg. hahaa. :) cut CUT. time lunch time tadi, kami ada tolong Mdm. Ayunie prepared media for our amali next week. best! :) time petang pula, kami tengok movie. hahaa. sometimes, its okay to break the rules :P 

minuman kotak lagii :) fromm avan! thanks avan ~ :D

inilaa media yg kami prepare tadi. we are going to inoculate bacteria into it! :D

people often called it tiket bertuah but this time it was tiket berkat. harapharap sy ada berkat :P
this is for exam blessing on 21st of Oct. this Sunday :)

ok. BYE.

tiada air pula hari ni, -.-' sy belum mandi okayy!...

Monday 15 October 2012

just a little bit more.

FINALLY, results PPS keluar sudah. paling lambat lah kalau mau tunggu results. =.=" result sy okayokay saja. not so good.but semua lulus. THANKS God :)  i just dont believe that i can get above 20 marks for all the subjects. Once again, thanks God & congrats to all my calssmates. 

MPPA (histology) - 23.80/30
MPST (cytology) - 26.60/30
MPPK (patologi kimia) - 23.45/30
MPPP (parasitology) - 23.90/30
MPKP (keselamatan p'kerja) - 25.80/30
MPIH (blood bank) - 23.10/30
MPHE (haematology) - 23.30/30
MPMP (microbiology) - 25.13/30

I hope this can help on my final exam. still need to put more effort to achieve good results.


good for you. dari dealic. roomate ku yg crazyy all the time.

milly punya kerja. i asked her to tocang my rambut, but it ended up to be like this. nah thats milly =.="

my paper for the histo's spot test today.. :)

green tea. sy kasi pinjam dealic laptop and in returned she gave me this. 

till then. selamat malam strangers :)

Sunday 14 October 2012

what really matter in life?

Happy Sunday everyone.

kami juara KSKB explorace 2012!

another post for today. hari tu sy join explorace, saja sukasuka mau ikut. actually, sy suka join aktiviti macam explorace. its fun even penat mau belarilari pg next station. kami kununkunun wakil MLT sem II, 5 people in a group (me, ben, jumain, dave & kutim). ada 12 groups yg join ni explorace. 2 kump senior termasuk kami and the rest semua junior sem I. explorace kali ni memang betulbetul sangatsangat penat. 3 kali sy b'lari dari gym pg blok orkid ulang alik naik bukit. odoi dogo, i dont know how much calories i'd burned that day! and yet we are the winner. kami first group yg sampai last station and we managed to finish the game 20 minutes earlier than the others. i'm proud of us! 

group's name : Escherichia coli. 

apa yg pentinggg? KERJASAMA. yeahh!

KAMI JUARA, tapi hamper belum buka lagi :D


hey, hi boring saturday :D waked up at 9 am, washed my uniforms and clothes, cleaned my messy table, had a breakfast, finished the histo's tutorial, watched movie and still i feel bored. i'm bored to death okay. sudah lah sabtuuu tidak boleh outing. kalau boleh pun, i prefer not to go out on saturday. hari ni supposed to be ada gotong royong. setiap hari sabtu ada gotong royong bah thats why we cant go out on saturday. but no one waked us up this morning. so tiada la tu. usually, si aunty milly mercy moses yg kasi bangun, she will knocked our door kuatkuat until kami bangun pg buka pintu. syok tidur sy hari. :D 


seee? the boring me. the crazy me. hahaha.
apabila keboringan melanda, inilah kejadianya. :)

not much to say. post hari ni pun boring juga. hari sabtu memang hari boringboring saya. yeahh. 
good night guys :)

Saturday 13 October 2012

Happy Birthday Nenek.

Well, today is my nenek's 72th birthday. 

i love you nek. :)

bila nenek sudah masak atau buat kopi-O <--- her favourite
if siapa2 yg ada di situ tidak minum or makan sebelum balik rumah, then dia akan teriak
dan suruh org tu pg makan or minum dulu. if they said, sudah kenyang.. she will asked them to 'tapun'.  she will not stop asking us and will keeeeeeep talking until we go and 'tapun' or eat/drink it.
thats my nenek. 


Friday 12 October 2012

you can be whatever you want to be.

 There is inside you
All of the potential to be whatever you want to be
All of energy to do whatever you want to do
Imagine yourself
As you would like to be doing what you want to be
On each day,
Take one step towards your dream

And though at times
It may seems too difficult to continue
Hold on onto your dream

Simply because, you have the courage
To believe in your potential
and hold on to your dream. :)


meet spongebob! my new bestfriend.
a loyal bestfriend. never talk bad about me. always laugh with me. always be there for me.

kill the bad calories!

Setelah diumumkan kos MLT mendapat tempat pertama dalam acara OBESITY peringkat kolej, maka dengan itu pelatih-pelatih MLT sem II berazam utk bersenam pada setiap petang. HAHAHA :D

amalan gaya hidup sihat :D

ayat agak skema yerr ...

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Medical Laboratory Technologist

Its been a while since i posted my last post in this not-so-cool blog. ohyeah :D sorry my dream land for not feeding you for months! HAHA :D blame the broadband. dont worry, was thinking to terminate it soon and will be using TM wi-fi, since i've already knew the password and i can easily connect to it. OKAY -.-" enough complaining. Just want to inform that my exam is just around the corner. it'll start on the 1st of Nov until 9th of Nov.

1. Keselamatan Pekerja
2. Immunohaematology
3. Haematology
4. Parasitology
5. Microbiology
6. Cytology
7. Histology
8. Patologi Kimia

Listed the 8 subjects that i take for this sem. Semester II. quite hard, a lot of things need to memorize. its not that hard to memorize something. we just need to understand it and it will be easier for us to memorize it. trust me! you just need to understand the topic first. but sometime i failed to let myself understand some of the topics. the problem is i'm not really focus onto it. There's a lot of things run in my mind. okay whatever.
ohh cant wait for my PPS results. i hope it can helps much on my final exam. and i hope i passed for all the subjects. :/

All the best MLT-to-be :)


Tuesday 18 September 2012

all the best jenn :)

i'm having my formative exam now until next monday. 
2 down & 5 to go :) jiaaa you ~~

good luck jenn & friends :) 

Wednesday 29 August 2012


hello. hello. hello. selama dua minggu sy di ranau, dua minggu juga sy sakit. oh FLU, go away, please :/ last sem punya break, 1 bulan sy di ranau, 1 bulan juga sy sakit. Ranau oh ranau kenapa la cuaca kau begini. kejap panas, kejap hujan, kejap salji , opps. hehehee xD. okay. not much to say. sajaaaa mau kasi banyak post di blog. hehehe. okk. till then. 

love ya <3

Good Night

I have 5 fingers for a reason. My pinky is for my best friends and our promises that will never be broken, my ring finger is for him and for proof that we’ll be together forever, my middle finger is for that girl that pushes me too far and to show her how I feel, my pointer finger is to silence them, to savor the moment, my thumb is for everyone, to let them know that I’m gonna be okay, no matter what. :)

Monday 27 August 2012

Canon EOS 1100D

hey hi :D you know what, we took a lot of pictures at the airport last week, most of the pictures were really smart and nice. love it~ :3 everybody were sleeping at that time, but me and my friends (just 3 of us) end up taking pictures for the whole night, until the sun rises. yeah, until morning. HEHE :D


Daniel. Me. Rayner.

Rayner & me.

act cute :D

rayner : kita buat macam askar bah. 

pondan ?

peace no war :D

akhirnya, muncul juga si ericc. 

converse VS sandal :)


tip of borneo

went to Tg. Simpang Mengayau at kudat last week. it was a very nice place to visit. :) the weather on that day was good, no hot sun and no SUNBURN :D HAHA. you know what, we bought 6 ice creams and it cost almost 30 ringgit. =.=" haizz. nasib lah kena belanja.
thank to the photographer : Hariz Iswan :)

way to the big 'globe'

she (the girl behind me) was afraid of the dog in front. 

the kelapa was so sedap :) hao liangg..

its a must to take a pic with this big fat half 'globe'.


Friday 11 May 2012