Tuesday 16 October 2012

flightless bird.

a day without lecture, tutorials and amali. 
what a boring day, nothing to do in the class. at first i was doing my revision alone, self-study la kununkunun. then some of the friends were doing study group at the back. satu org purapura jadi cikgu, yg lain duduk 1 baris dengar dia explain. i felt so funny looking at them. x lama sy pun join durangg. hahaa. :) cut CUT. time lunch time tadi, kami ada tolong Mdm. Ayunie prepared media for our amali next week. best! :) time petang pula, kami tengok movie. hahaa. sometimes, its okay to break the rules :P 

minuman kotak lagii :) fromm avan! thanks avan ~ :D

inilaa media yg kami prepare tadi. we are going to inoculate bacteria into it! :D

people often called it tiket bertuah but this time it was tiket berkat. harapharap sy ada berkat :P
this is for exam blessing on 21st of Oct. this Sunday :)

ok. BYE.

tiada air pula hari ni, -.-' sy belum mandi okayy!...

1 comment:

  1. Saya... Nampak... Nama... Saya O___O
    Haha.. Welcome~ Lain kali belanja saya air mineral :P
