Monday 15 October 2012

just a little bit more.

FINALLY, results PPS keluar sudah. paling lambat lah kalau mau tunggu results. =.=" result sy okayokay saja. not so good.but semua lulus. THANKS God :)  i just dont believe that i can get above 20 marks for all the subjects. Once again, thanks God & congrats to all my calssmates. 

MPPA (histology) - 23.80/30
MPST (cytology) - 26.60/30
MPPK (patologi kimia) - 23.45/30
MPPP (parasitology) - 23.90/30
MPKP (keselamatan p'kerja) - 25.80/30
MPIH (blood bank) - 23.10/30
MPHE (haematology) - 23.30/30
MPMP (microbiology) - 25.13/30

I hope this can help on my final exam. still need to put more effort to achieve good results.


good for you. dari dealic. roomate ku yg crazyy all the time.

milly punya kerja. i asked her to tocang my rambut, but it ended up to be like this. nah thats milly =.="

my paper for the histo's spot test today.. :)

green tea. sy kasi pinjam dealic laptop and in returned she gave me this. 

till then. selamat malam strangers :)

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