Sunday 14 October 2012

kami juara KSKB explorace 2012!

another post for today. hari tu sy join explorace, saja sukasuka mau ikut. actually, sy suka join aktiviti macam explorace. its fun even penat mau belarilari pg next station. kami kununkunun wakil MLT sem II, 5 people in a group (me, ben, jumain, dave & kutim). ada 12 groups yg join ni explorace. 2 kump senior termasuk kami and the rest semua junior sem I. explorace kali ni memang betulbetul sangatsangat penat. 3 kali sy b'lari dari gym pg blok orkid ulang alik naik bukit. odoi dogo, i dont know how much calories i'd burned that day! and yet we are the winner. kami first group yg sampai last station and we managed to finish the game 20 minutes earlier than the others. i'm proud of us! 

group's name : Escherichia coli. 

apa yg pentinggg? KERJASAMA. yeahh!

KAMI JUARA, tapi hamper belum buka lagi :D

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